Thursday, June 13, 2013

“Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.” ― Roger Miller

Due to the suspension of classes, the girl is waiting for her friend and maybe tries to reach that friend through text

The kid is playing his car toy in the flood. He's actually trying hard to submerge the toy to the flood. :)

Two PLM students wading through knee-deep flood water.

The pedicab boy is really trying hard to go through the flood and bring his passenger on the other side of the street. 

He is waiting until the rain stops. He can't wade through the flood so he just stand there and watch the people who are stranded just like him.

The flood keeps on waving everytime cars pass by.

The guys are helping the girl whose car was stuck-up because of heavy rain and flood.

The guy stumbled and the bag he's holding slipped off his hand and the girl says, "'Yung gamit ko...:(" 

The little girl really enjoys swimming in the flood. While others are struggling wading through it. :)

People are waiting for their ride hopelessly. :)

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